new look stupid things I've done 21 out of 50 Instructions: Put in bold the situations that have happened to you, and put as subject: "I did" number "of 50 stupid things"
01. bring down the gum from his mouth while talking. 02. greet someone on the street by mistake. 03. bumping into a door or CSF of transparency.
04. call twice the same number even though you have already said that you wrong.
05. think of something funny, you just laugh and point out that others look at you like a freak. 06. bumping into trees, billboards, phone booths while you walk. 07. Thee lick your elbow
08. after reading n.7 you tried to lick your elbow and you are not able .
09. send a sms to the wrong recipient. (just two days ago true Christian? XD)
10. get the right shoe in his left foot or vice versa
11. out with the clothing label still attached. 12. choked on your own saliva. 13. enter into a machine that is not yours or the one with which you came. (But only because it was closed XD)
14. mix salt or sugar to the meals / drinks. (A few mornings ago I was so rincitrullita of sleep that I put salt instead of sugar in the milk ...)
15. on the contrary open the box of medicines and to meet the leaflet. 16. open the shower and bathe his face with spray.
17. accidentally swallow an insect (T_T) 18. accidentally set fire to something.
19. drink with their mouths and end up let it get out of the nose and eyes.
20. sleep and wake up with a pillow full of drivel. 21. sleeping in class, even with your eyes open. 22. open a fizzy drink, bathe all over, close and reopen it again still all wet.
23. tell something and forget what you were talking about. 24. get to the window and forget what you wanted to buy.
25. trying to serve a drink with the bottle sealed.
26. Use your fingers to do simple additions .
27. sleep on the bus / metro / train and miss your stop.
28. closing a door that opens only from within and leave the keys on the other side.
29. or get clothes inside out on the wrong side. 30. search everywhere to find something there that you had in hand. 31. open the bidet and find that the water is boiling
32. to vote without an ID.
33. swallow the chewing gum.
34. go and buy something without money.
35. make a row of three hours to discover that it was the wrong one.
36. put your fingers into the fan stretching.
37. jump and slamming his face on the bottom.
38. laugh with his mouth full of water and spit it all.
39. losing a shoe while walking and back to retrieve it.
40. burning feet with warm sand and pretend nothing happened.
41. leave or enter the water and you will drop your bikini / swimsuit.
42.entrare in the wrong class.
43. drop objects in the water. 44. light a fire under a pot without water. 45. enter the bathroom the wrong sex.
46. tilt the glass before you drink and bathe everything.
47. leave the machine without the handbrake and run to retrieve it.
48. lighting a cigarette on the wrong side and try to smoke it cmq. 49. call your teacher mum. 50. bumping into someone and try to continue both on the same side and still